Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery refers to a branch of dentistry that involves surgical procedures performed on the teeth, gums, jawbone.

About the service

Dental surgery refers to a branch of dentistry that involves surgical procedures performed on the teeth, gums, jawbone, and other structures in the oral cavity. Dental surgery is often necessary for addressing complex dental issues that cannot be treated through non-surgical means. These procedures are typically performed by oral surgeons or dental specialists who have undergone additional training in surgical techniques.

Some common types of dental surgery include:

  1. Tooth Extractions: The removal of teeth that are severely decayed, damaged, impacted (unable to fully emerge), or causing crowding issues. Wisdom teeth removal is a common example of dental extraction.
  2. Dental Implant Surgery: Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.
  3. Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery): Surgical procedures to correct jaw misalignment and related issues that affect bite function and facial aesthetics.
  4. Gum Surgery (Periodontal Surgery): Surgical procedures to treat advanced gum disease (periodontitis) and improve gum health. This may involve procedures such as gum grafting, pocket reduction surgery, and more.
  5. Bone Grafting: Surgical procedures to augment or replace bone in the jaw when it is insufficient to support dental implants or other restorations.
  6. Apicoectomy: Also known as root-end surgery, this procedure involves removing the tip of the tooth's root to treat persistent infection or inflammation in the surrounding tissues.
  7. Oral Biopsy: Removal and examination of a small sample of tissue from the oral cavity to diagnose oral diseases, lesions, or abnormalities.
  8. Pre-Prosthetic Surgery: Surgical preparation of the mouth for the placement of dentures, bridges, or other dental prosthetics.
  9. Cleft Lip and Palate Repair: Surgical correction of congenital clefts in the lip and/or palate that can affect speech, eating, and facial aesthetics.
  10. Cosmetic Oral Surgery: Surgical procedures to enhance the aesthetics of the smile, such as gum contouring or reshaping.

Dental surgery is often performed under local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the patient's comfort level. Oral surgeons and dental specialists have the expertise to assess the patient's condition, develop treatment plans, and carry out surgical procedures while prioritizing the patient's safety and well-being.

Patients who require dental surgery are typically provided with pre-operative and post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Dental surgery plays a critical role in addressing complex oral health issues, restoring function, and improving the quality of life for individuals with various dental concerns.

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